BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR is proud to extend special Pro Deal discount pricing to licensed fitness professionals
Licensed Fitness Professional or Certified instructors who are actively teaching will be eligible to purchase BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR apparel at 30% off. To be considered, you must email Contact us and agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.(see below)
We will contact you within 24 hours for proof of profession and get you set up in our system to access the Pro Deal discount.
- The BEAT Pro discount can be used for purchases made at only. The discount does not apply to BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR products purchased at any other locations.
- As much as we love you spreading the word about BEAT, the 30% off discount you receive as part of the program is a benefit exclusively for you and you only.
- If it is discovered that you have shared your discount with any third party, BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR reserves the right to remove you from the program.
- As an BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR Pro, you will continue to promote the BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR brand in a positive and professional manner on any websites, blogs and social media accounts.
- BEAT OUTDOOR GEAR reserves the right to alter the program at any time.
Welcome to the BEAT Pro Deal
At Beat Outdoor Gear, we strive to not only provide the highest standard materials and clothing, but also exceptional customer service. Please reach out today if you have any questions about our products!
We look forward to chatting with you!